Reducing the JVI’s Carbon Footprint

January 24, 2024

The JVI takes climate change issues seriously. A series of webinars on this topic was launched in 2021 and several courses, for instance on the economics of climate change and on green finance, have become staples of the JVI curriculum. Beyond the sharing of knowledge consistent with its mandate, the JVI has also explored ways to reduce its own carbon footprint. 

A first carbon audit of the JVI was conducted in 2022, to identify and quantify the source of its carbon emissions. It covered both 2021, a year of full virtual delivery, and 2019 (then the last year of full in-person delivery), to establish benchmarks comparing a fully virtual year with a fully in-person one. Unsurprisingly, the audit found that travel from participants and lecturers was the main source of carbon emissions in normal times. Given that classroom delivery in Vienna is at the core of the JVI training experience and the overwhelming feedback from participants that this is a superior form of delivery, the JVI has developed and started implementing an action plan focusing on items that could lead to lower emissions without affecting the current business model. 

The immediate focus is on:


  • Making travel greener to the extent possible. The JVI has developed a “carbon emission tracker” for travel to estimate more accurately the carbon emissions related to travel. Course participants are asked to provide details on their itinerary and mode of transportation.  Course participants from neighboring countries and JVI staff are encouraged to travel by train for trips that can be reasonably done this way. The JVI is also encouraging partners to consider remote lecturing when the case for it is strong. An example of this is when a course has many lecturers, some involved in the delivery of a single lecture; remote lecturing saves time and money and helps reduce carbon emissions. 
  • Making the JVI premises greener. Many measures have been implemented, which have led to lower energy consumption, and therefore lower carbon emissions. This includes, among others, a switch to LED lighting across JVI premises, a more centralized control over minimum and maximum temperatures in the JVI Residence’s bedrooms, better thermostats and systems in JVI offices, shading of windows facing South.  
  • Sensitizing staff and participants about the need to conserve energy. JVI staff received training in this area, while course participants are also asked to contribute.


A new carbon audit will be conducted in 2024, based on 2023 data, to assess the impact of the measures taken so far and adjust the strategy, as needed. 



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