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HR Issues and Compliance

March 27, 2023

From February 13 to 17, 2023, JVI, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) in cooperation with the Deutsche Bundesbank conducted the course on HR Issues on premise in Vienna. 30 HR managers and specialists from central banks...Read more >>

The first Nowcasting Course at the JVI

March 21, 2023

The IMFs Nowcasting course was delivered for the first time at the JVI during February 20-24, 2023. This one-week course equipped participants with tools to incorporate high-frequency economic indicators into the forecasting...Read more >>

Cyber Risk Supervision – Path to Operational Resilience

March 21, 2023

The course on ‘Cyber Risk Supervision – Path to Operational Resilience’ was delivered in Vienna during the period March 6 – 10, 2023. The course was attended by 28 participants (including 10 women participants) from 13 countries,...Read more >>

Meeting of the Southeastern Europe Community of Practice on Tax Arrears Management

March 20, 2023

On March 8-10, the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) held a regional event at the JVI on tax arrears management for revenue administrations in Southeastern Europe. This in-person event was the first of its kind post-COVID 19 in...Read more >>

Course on Understanding, Assessing, and Managing Fiscal Risks

March 16, 2023

Following two years of virtual delivery, the IMF course on Understanding, Assessing, and Managing Fiscal Risks was delivered in-person for the first time at the JVI from February 27 to March 3, 2023. 27 participants from 16...Read more >>

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