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Moving on: Interview with Elene Koridze, Departing Front Desk/Program Officer at the JVI

March 13, 2024

Elene Koridze has worked as a Front Desk/Program Officer at the JVI for a year. On the occasion of her departure, she spoke with JVI Newsletter staff about her experience here. Elene, you have worked as a Front Desk/Program...Read more >>

New Course on Strengthening Medium-Term Budgeting of Public Investment

March 12, 2024

In February, staff from the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department and JVI delivered a new course: Strengthening Medium-Term Budgeting of Public Investment. As countries in the region continue to prioritize infrastructure development to...Read more >>

Revamped Course on Sound Fiscal Institutions

March 11, 2024

After being offered for the last time at the JVI as a virtual course in 2022, the course on Sound Fiscal Institutions was reintroduced this year as a one-week course. It was delivered in late February by the JVI, the Austrian...Read more >>

Director of IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review Department Meets with JVI Staff

March 07, 2024

The Director of the IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review (SPR) Department, Ms. Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, visited the JVI on March 4 to meet with staff, before heading to a conference organized by the Austrian National Bank on Bretton...Read more >>

Peer-learning on Financial Education Initiatives

February 12, 2024

The course on Financial Education is an annual week-long program jointly organized by Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), the central bank of Austria, and JVI. This course serves to introduce participants to best practices and...Read more >>

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