The IMF’s Monetary Policy course was delivered at the JVI during April 8-19, 2024. It was attended by 23 participants from 12 countries, with a diverse institutional background. While two thirds of them work at central banks,...Read more >>
Elene Koridze has worked as a Front Desk/Program Officer at the JVI for a year. On the occasion of her departure, she spoke with JVI Newsletter staff about her experience here. Elene, you have worked as a Front Desk/Program...Read more >>
In February, staff from the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department and JVI delivered a new course: Strengthening Medium-Term Budgeting of Public Investment. As countries in the region continue to prioritize infrastructure development to...Read more >>
After being offered for the last time at the JVI as a virtual course in 2022, the course on Sound Fiscal Institutions was reintroduced this year as a one-week course. It was delivered in late February by the JVI, the Austrian...Read more >>
The Director of the IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review (SPR) Department, Ms. Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, visited the JVI on March 4 to meet with staff, before heading to a conference organized by the Austrian National Bank on Bretton...Read more >>