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2017 Schedule Online

September 05, 2016

We have great pleasure in presenting the JVI’s 2017 training program, a comprehensive set of economic policy training opportunities that aims at addressing the differing needs of the countries in the JVI target region. Many...Read more >>

A Strong Network: 19 Current Ministers and Governors in the Region among JVI Alumni

August 16, 2016

The JVI can count on a very strong alumni network. Since the JVI was established in 1992, nearly 1,500 courses and seminars have been offered to over 25,000 individuals, mostly public sector officials, with almost 40,000 course...Read more >>

New Courses on Banking Supervision and Monetary Policy Implementation

August 15, 2016

To address the high demand for training on banking supervision and on the conduct of monetary policy, the JVI, in cooperation with the Deutsche Bundesbank (BBk) and the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), offered two new...Read more >>

IMF Course on Making Mortgages Work

August 11, 2016

On an annual basis, the IMF’s Legal Department conducted a workshop on legal aspects of the enforcement of creditor claims. This is an area where weak enforcement can reduce the banking sector’s willingness to extend credit,...Read more >>

Some Reflections on JVI Capacity Development: An Interview with Norbert Funke

August 09, 2016

After four years as director of the JVI, Norbert Funke is returning to the IMF in Washington at the end of the month. He spoke with JVI Newsletter staff about the JVI’s special role, his views about its work, the developments...Read more >>

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