JVI Alumni Quotes

Veronica Chicu

Mehmet Ali Köse

July 26, 2020

The monetary policy course, presented virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was delivered at the same quality as the pre-pandemic period courses. We have actively participated in lectures and workshops throughout the course. The course has helped me to improve my understanding of monetary policy frameworks and transfer mechanisms under various monetary regimes, and the role of monetary policy in providing macroeconomic stability. Mr. Mehmet Ali KOSE, Ministry of Treasury and Finance of TurkeyVirtual Course on Monetary Policy, June 22 – July 03, 2020  

Veronica Chicu

Viktoriia Plachynda

July 26, 2020

The Virtual Course on Monetary policy gave me a unique opportunity to expand my knowledge of monetary policy and its role in macroeconomic stabilization, better understanding how the economy responds to shocks and policy decisions under different monetary policy regimes. The knowledge and practical experience gained during this course will be useful at my work. I appreciate very much the support of our great lecturers  - Mr.Tibor Hlédik and Mr. Alexei Miksjuk, as this was the first virtual course that I attended.   Ms. Viktoriia Plachynda, National Bank of Ukraine,Virtual Course on Monetary Policy, June 22 – July 03, 2020 

Veronica Chicu

Marko Josimovski

July 26, 2020

I am very glad that I had the opportunity to take part at the virtual course on Monetary Policy, as it was very interesting, informative and well organized. I believe that it was very useful for my current and future professional ambitions. Although it was organized in a virtual way, the course was exciting to follow and it had the right balance between the theoretical and practical parts. In addition, the lecturers were great, put a lot of effort to help us expand our knowledge, and triggered some very nice discussions and active participation by the participants, which is very important in order to understand the course material. Mr. Marko Josimovski, National Bank of North MacedoniaVirtual Course on Monetary Policy, June 22 – July 03, 2020

Veronica Chicu

Gresa Baftiu

July 26, 2020

Online training was innovative and flexible format of engaging in active discussions and exchange of country-specific experiences with lecturers and participants. I benefited greatly from the Public Governance and Structural Reforms course because I gained practical guidance on macroeconomic and social policies, which not only shaped my analytical and leadership skills, but will also help me in my professional engagement in policy coordination. Gresa Baftiu, Senior Officer for Policy Coordination, Ministry of European Integration, Kosovo.

Veronica Chicu

Sergo Sanikidze

July 26, 2020

During the period of coronavirus pandemic, when face-to-face training is limited, online training about "Public Governance and Structural Reforms" organized by JVI was an excellent opportunity to get theoretical and practical knowledge about structural reforms in the public sector. The course covered almost all critical issues of public governance, including privatization, competitiveness, regulatory impact assessment, macroeconomic policy, digitalization and social security. It offered participants a unique opportunity to learn about all the policy instruments necessary to make an effective and transparent decision in the public sector, particularly during the emergency like this pandemic. Knowledge gained in this course will be useful at my work, especially to analyze the regulatory framework and structural reforms and assess their impact on business and society. Sergo Sanikidze, the Office of the Business Ombudsman, Georgia.

Veronica Chicu

Veronica Chicu

September 19, 2019

“Experience sharing and learning from other countries’ examples is very important and helpful in improving the quality of our statistics. With face-to-face learning, the JVI becomes not only an intermediary in this exchange of experience between peers, but at the same time brings with the IMF presenters to this hands-on experience also a strong theoretical and methodological component.” Ms. Veronica Chicu, National Bank of MoldovaIMF/STA course on Compilation of Balance of Payments Statistics. January 28 – February 8, 2019

Jelena Sarovic

Jelena Sarovic

September 19, 2019

“The course examined the issues that central banks face recently, macro-prudential stress tests, experience gained during the crisis and stress tests within the EU. It presented various econometric models used in the implementation of stress tests which is important for improving existing knowledge in this field. Lecturers were knowledgeable and dealt with issues related to creation, analysis and legal framework for maintaining the solvency stress tests.” Ms. Jelena Sarovic, National Bank of SerbiaOeNB course on Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing for Banking Systems. January 14-17, 2019

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