JVI Alumni Quotes

Elena Laura

Elena Laura

September 19, 2019

“The EBRD course gave me a better understanding of the current and potential risks, such as price variations, currency and interest rate, and how to mitigate them. Also, it enabled me to reconsider my leadership and communication styles in order to engage more with my working colleagues on common issues.” Ms. Elena Laura Ciubotaru, RomaniaEBRD Management Training for Chief Financial Officers

Vesna Plaznik

Vesna Plaznik

September 19, 2019

“We learned at the Residential Property Price Indices course about several methods of calculating indices, how to compare them, and most useful – how to interpret the results. The theory was well-reasoned and supported by practical examples from real situations, which will definitively help me in my future work.” Ms. Vesna Plaznik, Statistical Office of Slovenia, IMF course on Residential Property Price Indices

Radek Schejbal

Radek Schejbal

September 19, 2019

“I appreciated variety of lecturers giving an international overview on topics relevant for my daily work, as well as networking and sharing of experience. Especially useful for me was a presentation about the Austrian National Bank and ECB top-down solvency stress testing tool, as well as more technical on contagion models.” Mr. Radek Schejbal, Czech National Bank, OeNB course on Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing. January 14-17, 2019

Tatiana Scoarta

Tatiana Scoarta

September 19, 2019

“The course on Residential Property Price Indices (RPPIs) provided practical guidance on methods for compiling RPPIs based available data and country-specific characteristics. Learning and networking encourages participants to exchange experiences, which can give valuable insights into what can eventually be implemented.” Ms. Tatiana Scoarta, National Bank of Moldova, IMF course on Residential Property Price Indices. IMF Course on Financial Sector Surveillance

Zsolt Szőrfi

Zsolt Szőrfi

September 19, 2019

“Through the presentations I was able to learn a great deal about the monetary policy frameworks of other countries.” Mr. Zsolt Szőrfi, National Bank of HungaryIMF Course on Monetary Polic. January-February 2018

Martin Pintaric

Martin Pintaric

September 19, 2019

“The course on Monetary Policy gave me a greater understanding of the complex linkages between monetary policy, exchange rate regimes, and other macroeconomic factors.” Mr. Martin Pintaric, National Bank of Croatia, IMF Course on Monetary Policy. January-February 2018

Ievgenii Skok

Ievgenii Skok

September 19, 2019

“I am confident that this course will ensure better insight into how to formulate and apply policies in different monetary regimes, as well as about global trends and country case studies.” Mr. Ievgenii Skok, National Bank of Ukraine, IMF Course on Monetary Policy. January-February 2018

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