Future of Work


TARGET GROUP | Government Officials from ministries of economics, finance, and labor/social protection.


DESCRIPTION | The world of work is currently undergoing significant changes. New technologies, demographic shifts, a slowdown in globalization and political uncertainty create substantial pressure on workers and firms. Changes in tasks and occupations threaten traditional career paths, creating job risks and putting pressure on wages. At the same time, new activities emerge that require new skill sets, geographical mobility and flexible work arrangements. Policy makers see themselves confronted with new and increasingly diverse demands for protection and support. This one-week course will offer several country case studies to illustrate the diverse nature of challenges and opportunities that will shape the Future of Work. Together with our experts, course participants will get a better understanding of these dynamics and the tools and instruments to measure and evaluate the changes to come. The course will also offer a menu of policy choices across a range of domains, including structural, labor market, social protection and macro-economic policies that can help to mitigate and support the transition to foster inclusive growth and decent work.

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Course Details

Start: 20241014Oct 14
End: 20241018Oct 18

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: JVI/ILO

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: July 14, 2024

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