Festa Kusari

September 27, 2022

From September 12, 2022 through September 16, 2022, I had the pleasure of attending the “Future of Taxation” course at the Joint Vienna Institute. The course was incredibly well-designed balancing lectures, country presentations and the multiple discussions to give the participants a comprehensive and practical understanding of the topics. Topics covered such as the Structure of Taxes in Emerging Market Economies enhanced my understanding of the fundamentals of tax systems across developing economies and challenges they face. In addition, through topics on Tax avoidance, Tax evasion, and Illicit financial flows I grasped the importance of having well-established tax laws and enforcement capacities, whereas the Panel Discussion on the impact of Digitalization on Taxation provided me with novel insights on the benefits and challenges pertaining tax systems and policies arising from digitalization. Overall, the course was very informative, practical, and encompassing and would highly recommend it. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Joint Vienna Institute for the opportunity to attend policy-oriented trainings. Through these effectively designed and tailored courses, I can professionally grow and develop, as the new knowledge and skills I acquire I directly apply at my workplace.

Festa Kusari, Senior Fiscal Policy Analyst, Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers, Government of Kosovo.

Future of Taxation course, September 12-16, 2022.


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