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JVI Alumni Website Goes Live

March 12, 2015

We are delighted to announce that the revised JVI Alumni site is now live! It is designed for JVI Alumni from both our 30 target countries, as well as those from elsewhere. Over 1,800 have already signed up, and with about 2,000...Read more >>

Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy Vidcast

January 12, 2015

Interview with Ray Brooks

Welcome Vidcast

January 07, 2015

Norbert Funke gives an overview of the JVI

Maria Silgoner, Senior Expert, OeNB Economic Analysis and Research Department

Financial Education

December 08, 2014

On December 1-3, 2014, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) organized for the first time a course on Financial Education at the JVI. One of the course directors, Ms. Maria Silgoner, Senior Expert in the OeNB Economic Analysis...Read more >>

Investment and Investment Finance

November 24, 2014

The European Investment Bank (EIB) became a contributing member of the JVI in December 2013. The EIB is the largest multilateral borrower and lender by volume and the central institution to support sound and sustainable...Read more >>

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