Financial Education Initiatives – Best Practice and Strategies


TARGET GROUP | Experts and mid-level officials from central banks and ministries with a background in financial education, training, communication, banking and/or economics.


DESCRIPTION | In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, financial education (FE) issues have come to the fore, and financial literacy has gained international recognition as a critical life skill for individuals. In this respect, more and more countries are developing tailored financial education strategies and programs. Central banks have also stepped up their activities. This course is designed for current or future educators in the field of financial literacy. The course introduces best practices in selected countries (national strategies) and presents examples of financial education tools. Participants are invited to contribute their respective country or central bank experience and to give situation reports. Interactive group work enables participants to work together and exchange experiences on certain topics.


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Course Details

Start: 20240129Jan 29
End: 20240202Feb 02

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: OeNB

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: November 05, 2023

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