Monetary and Financial Statistics - Advanced


TARGET GROUP: Central bank officials and officials from regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.


QUALIFICATIONS: Participants are expected to have a degree in economics or statistics, or equivalent experience. Previous completion of the Introductory MFS- course in person or the online MFSx is recommended.


DESCRIPTION: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, covers both the conceptual and practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics focusing on other financial corporations (OFCs) as set out in the 2016 Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The main aim of this course is to foster a deeper understanding of the OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structures and how their financial data can be leveraged for compiling the broadest set of monetary statistics to understand liquidity and financing extended to the nonfinancial sectors and nonresidents by the financial corporations. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, of which the role of MFS in the balance sheet approach (BSA) for analyzing macro-financial vulnerabilities and how MFS fits into the IMF’s financial programming. The course integrates discussions on cutting-edge issues like Fintech, digital money and climate finance all related to MFS. Through a combination of lectures, countries’ presentations and case studies, the course familiarizes participants with practical aspects of compiling other financial corporations sector and the financial corporations survey. Emphasis is also placed on peer learning through sharing of country experiences among the participants.


COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:


• Discuss the conceptual framework underlying MFS compilation, focusing on sectoring, classification, and valuation of financial instruments, as well as accounting principles.

• Describe the role of OFCs in the financial sector in general and, distinguish between different types and the related implications of data collection for monetary statistics purposes.

• Produce high-level and detailed analytical presentations of monetary data including DCS and FCS using the IMF’s standardized report form.

• Understand the linkages of MFS within the IMF’s Macroeconomic Framework as well as the BSA.

• Gain a foundational understanding of the impacts of FinTech and climate change on the financial sector statistics.

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Course Details

Start: 20250113Jan 13
End: 20250124Jan 24

Language: Eng/Pyc

Sponsoring Organization: IMF

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: October 14, 2024

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