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JVI Webinar: Rethinking European Labor Market Policies in the Post-Pandemic Era

March 30, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the European economies hard. To mitigate the pandemic’s impact on labor markets, policymakers introduced a range of measures. In particular, the widespread use of job retention schemes has played an...Read more >>

JVI Webinar: Construction, Real Estate and Climate Change

March 07, 2022

Global warming is the single greatest environmental challenge that the world is currently facing. A wide range of human activities is responsible for this rise in temperature, with construction and real estate being among the...Read more >>

JVI Webinar: Modelling Trade Policy Scenarios: Macroeconomic and Trade Effects of Restrictions in Cross Border Labour Mobility

February 23, 2022

COVID-19 has drawn renewed attention to the economic importance of cross border mobility. Frictions in cross border mobility of labour can substantially impact the economy and international trade, by causing a long-term decrease...Read more >>

JVI Webinar: Countercyclical Properties of Fiscal Rules

February 18, 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a more active role for fiscal policies in stabilizing the economy. The size of fiscal policy support has been extraordinarily large by historical standards, also in the JVI region. To...Read more >>

JVI Webinar: Firm Recovery and Covid-19: Productivity, Competition and the Digital Divide

January 27, 2022

Many of the unprecedented set of policy measures in response to the Covid-19 crisis focused on providing support to the corporate sector. What has been the impact of the pandemic and these policy measures on firms in the JVI...Read more >>

Displaying 26 to 30 of 36

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