Thursday, February 8, 2024, at 14:00-16:00 Vienna time (CET)
Yan Liu, Deputy General Counsel, Legal Department, IMF
Alessandro Gullo, Assistant General Counsel, Legal Department, IMF
Monica Sah, Partner, Clifford Chance
Rok Žvelc, Legal Officer at DG FISMA, European Commission
Papuna Papuashvili, Senior Lawyer, National Bank of Georgia
Gerald Lederer, Legal Counsel, IMF
Technological progress and innovation have the potential to deeply transform the financial sector. One area where such transformational progress has a particular strong impact is the emergence of new forms of digital assets. Digitalization and tokenization promise a more efficient and inclusive provision of financial services, but the emergence of new types of coins, tokens and related services also pose significant risks to costumers and financial stability. Some of those risks, related to the loss of costumer funds and assets recently materialized with the collapse of large crypto firms like FTX, Genesis and Gemini. As a reaction, policymakers around the globe are starting to increase regulation and supervision over digital assets and their respective service providers, with the EU’s MiCA standing out as a very early example of comprehensive regulation. At the same time, central bankers are ramping up their efforts to provide a safe digital form of central bank money as a monetary anchor in an increasingly digitized world (“Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC”).
Against this backdrop, it is important to also ensure an adequate understanding of legal mechanisms underpinning digital assets and related services, including those related to CBDC. The webinar seeks to strengthen such an understanding, by analyzing the legal classification of different types of assets and services, their economic functions and their legal nature as claims or property rights, and the implications and consequences of such classifications both from a public and private law perspective, and based on existing regulations and international best practice.
We look forward to continuing our engagement with you!
Hervé Joly, Director (JVI)
End: Feb 08
Language: English
Sponsoring Organization: IMF
Admin Arrangements
Application Deadline: February 08, 2024